Have you considered the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that is on your doorstep right now?
Prior to March of 2020, it certainly was convenient to say your life made you happy, wasn’t it? Research actually shows that it is human nature to keep private, one’s unpopular views to avoid conflict.
I know that in some areas of my pre-pandemic life, I was deceiving myself to avoid rocking my own boat…until it was capsized by the biblical-feeling barrage of events that followed last years lockdown.
Each of us, if we are brutally honest, could probably make a list of activities or relationships that we didn’t like in pre-pandemic times, but accepted through self-deception, sheer inertia or the fear of being left out.
In a recent journaling practice, I decided to get really specific about all of my daily interactions that were toxic, unproductive or fueled by ego rather than heart.
I didn’t let myself settle for the easy stuff that I for sure don’t miss, like being stuck in traffic or in-office medical visits (tele-health, where have you been all my life?). I went deeper, pinpointing activities, experiences and relationships that brought out my worst or belittled me.
And in their pandemic furlough, have made me stronger, happier and confident about making this break permanent as I make my way back into a life, redesigned.
I also learned there are some practices I’ll keep with me regardless of public opinion.
I won’t give mine away here..in fact @marcinevin and @kimschlagfitness and I recorded an upcoming Decades of Strength podcast all about this that will release soon. You won’t want to miss all three perspectives!
But I do encourage you, before racing back to life as your knew it, to really ponder this prompt and answer for yourself…
‘What about these last 14 months will I take with me?’
If there was ever a time for audacious purifying, it is now. And if you need a call to action to stop spending time on things you hate, let it be this.
What are some of yours? I’d love talk continue the positive conversation and hear where people are, at this unprecedented juncture!