Part 2: (continued)
According it my @ouraring I got exactly 9 minutes of deep sleep that night, so to say I woke up in a haze would be an understatement.
Here is a list of punitive things I wanted to do when I woke up:
🙈Weigh myself
🍽️Fast all day
☠️Calorie-torching workout
📉Build out myfitnesspal to get in a deficit
💔Continue to wallow in self pity
What I didn’t do? Gratefully, it is that same list above. Instead...
I wrote.
I wrote for 2 straight hours staring down all my feelings.
I wrote through everything I experienced in the moments before during and after my bender.
I talked.
I talked to myself.
I talked to my husband.
I planned.
I planned action.
I planned inaction.
I exercised.
I exercised my human right to forgiveness.
I exercised my body to remind me of my strength.
I reflected.
I reflected on everything I have to be thankful for.
I reflected on opportunities I have to be a better person.
I fueled.
I fueled with water and nourishing food.
I fueled with hugs and love from my family and pets.
I forgave.
I forgave myself for being imperfect.
I forgave myself for being angry about being imperfect.
Swipe to see some of excerpts of my writing but please do so with measured care. THIS was such a critical first step.
HOW did I determine and begin to execute which next steps were right for me? Tomorrow I will share the *specific* actions I decided upon and *why* I chose them.
I can't wait to share this. Because it is where the transformative ‘magic’ (#healing) begins. Where strength collides with empowerment. Where overwhelm turns into action.
Thank you for the incredible support and kindness everyone has expressed as I’ve shared this.
I know words surrounding this converstaion can be hard. If you’re still with me, can you share your thoughts with an emoji❓