Brene Brown has said ‘owning your story is the bravest thing you’ll ever do.’⠀
I love this. ⠀
And to expand (and maybe she meant this when she made that statement), in the past year by not only owning my story but doing it PUBLICLY… well, I pretty much went Katniss-Everdeen-brave on myself, volunteering my ego as tribute.⠀
There were some dark days. Many encounters I had made me want to quit sharing and return to the quieter, people-pleasing, unsatisfied version of my former self. ⠀
But something pulled me to press on.⠀
Here are a few things I’ve learned in since committing to show up for myself despite the discomfort, cruel feedback and isolation that inevitably comes from taking any action that stirs something up in someone else:⠀
🥇Turns out I was tired. REALLY tired. Not from doing too much, but from doing too little of what sparked a light in me. Not even taking the time to KNOW what did, prior to this past year. Yes, I’ve put more working hours in since last fall than the prior 5 years combined, but have never felt more alive or energized. ⠀
🥈Rather than absorbing the energy in the room, I learned to create it. Then watched the power of attraction unfold. This took time and patience. (Looking for something more immediate? I’d also suggest: find a new room. That’s pretty baller too. Don’t worry, you have everything you need.)⠀
🥉On the near side of everything I’ve ever wanted is consistency. Not sweeping life overhauls, not a surgical level of precision, not even taking time away from one thing to practice something else. Just boring old, day in and day out, showing up in actions that align with my goals - ANY goal in ANY category. I call this doing it anyway.⠀
So here I sit. Reflecting on how growing actually felt like a lot like breaking in the beginning. And it still does at times. But I know now that big magic and new beginnings require it.⠀
And in rebuilding those pieces, I have realized that I have a choice; I can either evolve or I can repeat. ⠀⠀
THANK YOU friends, for so supportively teaching me this.⠀
Please, share with me…what’s your next move? ⠀